Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April Prayer Letter

Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
                                                                                                                                   -Acts 8:30-31

April 18, 2012
Dear Ministry Family,
“See this 2-minute video answer to a
tough question.”

An Eye-catching picture and engaging caption can
serve as a Facebook Ad that links to an article or video
at that only costs us cents per click!

Imagine for a moment a student alone in his dorm room. He has recently come to faith in Jesus Christ and is excited about this new life. However, doubts keep creeping into his mind – challenging his new belief and leaving him without answers. Even if he has a Bible, he doesn’t know how to use it yet, but perhaps he opens it and finds comfort in reading the Bible. As the doubts continue to flow, however, he begins to wonder what he can do. He decides to visit, a website of Christian articles, because the address is on the side of a water bottle he got at a campus giveaway, or because he clicked on a Facebook ad linked there, or because it’s on a business card he got. He begins reading articles about faith and doubt, sin and forgiveness. While he learns much, he still isn’t satisfied. At the bottom of the article is a link to ask questions – it brings him to an e-mail form and he nervously types in his questions and submits it. The e-mail gets sent to a Cru staff member or student volunteer on or close to his campus, who can then not only answer his questions but meet with him and connect him to a Christian community on campus.

I ask you to imagine this because it has just happened at UMass Dartmouth. I received an e-mail just last week. I felt so excited when I realized it was someone I had never met before. I e-mailed him back with some answers to his questions and also a request to meet in person – hoping to get to know him. He hasn’t responded yet, but we’re praying for him and the chance to meet him!

Internet evangelism has an increasing role in Cru movements. It aids us with netting the Christian students and curious seekers out there who are isolated and too shy to reach out. We can see when a UMD student visits the site– and when they ask a question we get a name. If we get to meet them, then it’s a God-given opportunity to be a part of the process of “grafting them in” to the body of Christ.

One of the strong truths of the verses above is that Christianity is extremely difficult if not impossible to practice in isolation – without “someone to explain it to you”. Please pray that God will continue to use us and tools like to find and connect with the isolated students struggling to survive. With your prayers and support, may we see this student and countless others become members of God’s eternal family!

Grateful to serve,
Matt & Rebecca Litchfield

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