Monday, April 30, 2012

God's Hand at Work

Hello Faithful Prayer Warriors!

I just wanted to give you an update that Brittney came on Thursday and LOVED it! She wasn't able to stay for the whole time but is going to come back next week! God is working in miraculous ways and I'm am so enjoying watching Him act in students' lives. 

On Friday we had the third meeting of the Justice Bible Study that I started this semester. After two weeks of foundational preperation of looking into what the Bible has to say about justice and our role in God's plan we set out to talk to students about their beliefs about justice, injustice, and what they think to be God's reaction to both topics. There were three of us total on Friday, so I sent the two students out do the survey with the students. They spoke to three individuals and got their perspectives on justice/injustice and their belief of God's reaction to them. Our desire is to collect information on where the student body is at with questions like: why do bad things happen to good people, etc. This semester we are trying out the survey and improving the questions to best suit UMASS Dartmouth and the need we are trying to meet. The students seemed encouraged by what they had done, one said she could see how she could have gone into the gospel! This is our goal in all conversations; if God opens the door we need to be ready to walk through it.  "But in your hearts revere Christ  as Lord Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks  you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15).   

We'll be going out again this Friday! Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel during our justice discussions with the students. Also pray for wisdom as we continue to develop this justice survey, with the intent on sharing the gospel through a topic that the campus feels strong about. Thank you so much for your prayers. To God be all the glory and praise!

God Bless,

1 comment:

Helen Layman said...

Love it Rebecca!! Helen