Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Quick Update :)

Hello Faithful Prayer Warriors,

I just wanted to send you a quick note to update you on the current status of the relationship with the student I mentioned in March named "Brittney". This week I sent a second e-mail, after getting no response from the first one I sent awhile ago, asking her if she was still interested in coming to the Christian Fellowship student group. I heard back from her yesterday and she said that she will definitely be there and that she can't wait to meet new faces. Praise God! I'm so happy that God has given us another opportunity to spend time with her!

Please be praying that Brittney is able to come as planned and that she would experience God's love in a way that would redirect her to be His child. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers. I look forward to updating you after Thursday's meeting.

Your Sister in Christ,
Rebecca Litchfield

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